PROVIKA LNS-SQ is a nutritional fortified food used for complementing the diet of infants and young children with essential nutrients.
It provides all the micronutrients (vitamins & minerals) and essential fatty acids for a child’s growth.
Provika LNS-SQ helps in reducing stunting, wasting, anaemia & risk of all causes leading to mortality significantly.
It is a supplement to breastfeeding and the usual diet.
Breastfeeding immediately after birth, exclusively for the first 6 months, is recommended for at least 24 months.
Total energy | 117 kcal | Copper | 0.34 mg | Vitamin B1 | 0.3 mg |
Proteins | 2.8 g | Iron | 6 mg | Vitamin B2 | 0.4 mg |
Lipids | 9.3 g | Iodine | 90 µg | Vitamin B6 | 0.3 mg |
Carbohydrates | – | Selenium | 20 µg | Vitamin B12 | 0.5 µg |
Calcium | 280 mg | Sodium | – | Vitamin K | 30 µg |
Phosphorus | 196 mg | Vitamin A | 400 µg | Biotin | 9 µg |
Potassium | 200 mg | Vitamin D | 5 µg | Folic acid | 133 µg DFE |
Magnesium | 40 mg | Vitamin E | 4 mg α-TE | Pantothenic acid | 1.8 mg |
Zinc | 8 mg | Vitamin C | 15 mg | Niacin | 4.0 mg |
Light brown & homogenous thick uniform paste with no lumps
LNS-SQ is adapted for Children to prevent malnutrition for chidren 6 months and older.
Sachet -Knead, Tear & open, squeeze & eat
Direct Consumption
Ready-to-Use Therapeutic Food Manufacturer in India
Ready-to-Use Supplementary Food Manufacturer in India
Lipid-based Nutrient Supplements Manufacturer in India
Empowering Wellness: Choose Our Therapeutic & Supplementary Food Products for Nutritional Support