Empowering Wellness: Choose Our Therapeutic & Supplementary Food  Products for Nutritional Support

Lipid Nutrient Supplement – Pregnant and Breast-feeding Women and Girls (LNS-PBWG)

Empowerment in Every Packet : Fueling Lives, Transforming Futures

Provika LNS-PBWG is a ready to eat nutritional supplement specially designed for pregnant and breastfeeding women and girls with suboptimal nutritional status to reduce the risk of poor birth outcomes where daily diet is low in micronutrients and energy.
It promotes the development of the foetus/child and helps prevent and treat acute malnutrition in pregnant and breastfeeding woman and girls.
Does not replace a varied and nutritious diet. It is recommended to consume this product in addition to daily diet.

  • 75g sachet
  • To address malnutrition during pregnancy and breastfeeding
  • From week 12 unit for the remaining duration of pregnancy and one month postpartum during breastfeeding
  • 1 sachet / day / woman

PROVIKA LNS-PBWG nutritional values per 75 g sachet

Total energy 412.5 kcal Copper 1 mg Vitamin B1 1.2 mg
Proteins 15.4 g Iron 21.8 mg Vitamin B2 1.3 mg
Lipids 24.5 g Iodine 209 µg Vitamin B6 1.7 mg
Carbohydrates Selenium 60 µg Vitamin B12 2.4 µg
Calcium 500 mg Sodium Vitamin K 72 µg
Phosphorus 300 mg Vitamin A 0.5 mg Biotin 28 µg
Potassium 2 g Vitamin D 9.8 µg Folic acid 399.8 µg DFE
Magnesium 145 mg Vitamin E 22 mg α-TE Pantothenic acid 5.6 mg
Zinc 15 mg Vitamin C 99.8 mg Niacin 14.3 mg

General Specifications

Light brown & homogenous thick uniform paste with no lumps


Consumer Target Group

Pregnant and Breast-feeding Women and Girls


for user

Sachet -Knead, Tear & open, squeeze & eat



Direct Consumption

Reach out to LUMN Labs today and start your journey towards optimal nutrition!

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